I’ve fallen victim to the Beige Mom aesthetic… the picture-perfect living rooms with perfectly placed aesthetically pleasing toys. The perfect color-coordinated bookshelves and the minimalistic color palettes have all but grabbed me and held me captive. I’ve seen mothers...
       Have you ever looked on Pinterest at infant schedules? They were my gold during pregnancy. I would spend hours upon hours looking at suggested wake times and bedtimes, because duh, like any good mom I planned on...
When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul You are still good… Those are lyrics to a song “You are Good” by Nichole Nordeman. I sang those words over and over again through tears and groaning...
Be sure to check out Part 1: Your Kid's Health!  My sanity has never been as tested as a mom, as it was a few weeks ago when my daughter had to have surgery to remove her tonsils.  If you...
“That isn’t going to be me.” I knew all the signs. I’d read the research. I knew the possibilities. The words of my grad school professor kept bouncing around in my head. “The biggest predictor of Postpartum Depression is...
If you are new to the Auburn-Opelika area, you may be curious about what our area has to offer as far as women’s services. I want to give you a few ideas of resources I used as a new...

Yard Sales with Kids

I did not grow up going to yard sales, thrift stores, or antique stores. It’s likely that if anyone had asked me to join them, I would have thought that looking through other people’s junk was boring. Fortunately, that...
If you know nothing about kids, you may still pick up that they don’t have a solid grasp on time. And why should they, really? An adult is in charge of telling them when to eat, go to bed,...
Oh, 2020. How many blog posts will be written about how glad we are to see you go. We all have such high hopes for 2021, although maybe those have been tempered somewhat as the pandemic drags on. For...
I was invited to attend the Tough Mother Retreat the weekend before Mother's Day. The retreat was held at Chewacla State Park in Auburn. Prior to arrival, I wasn't sure if I would know anyone else who was attending,...


“Attitude Reflects Leadership”

The movie Remember the Titans resonates with me on many levels. Like Coach Bill Yoast's daughter, I was nine years old when integration was...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy

The Kids Should Be Bored