When I heard other moms talk about mom guilt, I wondered what that meant. Then I told myself that I don't think that would ever be me. Shocker, I become a mom, and there it is: mom guilt! If...
It’s not uncommon after giving birth, especially for the first time, for a mom to feel a little bit shocked by the experience. Whether she is overwhelmed by the physical intensity of the experience or surprised at all the...
We hear a lot about our ability, as mamas, to overcome the challenges of the day. We hear that we are enough for the children who have been entrusted to us. We are enough and we have enough and...
"i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart). - e.e. cummings
April is my birthday month, but also a reminder of pain that I carried so deep, trying to forget and trying to be strong. But...
Do your kids have spring fever? Now that the weather is warm and the rain has cleared out, the kids are itching to get outside. We have been outside almost every day. The kids keep themselves busy with all...
John Paul was born on April 11, 2018. That day changed my life forever. It has now been slightly over 365 days after the day of his birth and honestly, I don't know how I am supposed to feel.
"You've got HOW much?" The real estate agent's obvious surprise at our answer made us realize our decision to wait and save for our down payment had been a good one. We ended up not only getting the house...
In life, it seems that we do a lot of waiting. Our parents waited 9 months for us to be born. Waited for us to take our first steps, say our first words. They waited for the first day...
I have always been a sucker for a fun scavenger hunt, so why not scavenge for more than just eggs this Easter? This scavenger hunt is the first in an on-going series. Some of the hunts will be designed...
As a family centered around The Lord, it can become increasingly hard to keep our children's attention on Jesus, while celebrating certain holidays. Often times, we as Christians can become easily distracted by made-up characters and pagan traditions and...