A recent scientific study found that mothers need one year to recover from pregnancy and child birth. While this definitely belongs to the category labeled "things mothers around the globe always knew since 2,500 BC", it's great that the...
*Content warning: this post contains anxiety and vomit. * The other afternoon I was doing some organizing. I’d just finished watching the second season of Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit, so I was inspired. I’d already reorganized my...
Did you know that 1 out of every 3 women who give birth in the United States will give birth via C-Section? That number seems to be rising in the US, even skyrocketing to averages of around 40% or...
I don’t think I’ve officially said it on here, but our little family is beginning the adoption process! The decision to begin this process is what can only be described to be straight from God: there are so many...
In honor of National Heart Month this February, Alex Smith Ritenbaugh has agreed to share about her son Logan’s very special heart. Every 1 in 110 babies born will have a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD), making it the most...
What’s a Snoo bassinet and why do I need one? I’m currently staring at the hand-me-down bassinet that a friend of a friend gave me. I don’t even know what brand it is. As a first-time mom and proud...

Our Healthcare Heroes

Let me set the stage for you:  A pandemic is raging. People are scared. People are sick and some are dying. Loved ones are losing family members. Activities like sports, parties, family get togethers, vacations, and more are getting cancelled. There is a national coin...
My husband and I had a fight over a toy vacuum cleaner last week. It was supremely stupid. Our daughter had taken the vacuum outside while she and I were playing in the backyard earlier in the day, and...
I am a mother who struggles with mental illness. I grapple every day with questions much too deep for me to understand, and I fight my feelings with all I have in me to keep myself functional. As an...
At 32 weeks pregnant I bragged to a friend that I had a perfect blood pressure with no preeclampsia symptoms and hadn’t had any pregnancy woes besides Hyperemesis gravidarum (A total nightmare, but a story for another day). If...


“Attitude Reflects Leadership”

The movie Remember the Titans resonates with me on many levels. Like Coach Bill Yoast's daughter, I was nine years old when integration was...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy

The Kids Should Be Bored