Consider you are out to eat with friends. You go with a group of 8 ladies to have a nice night out. You find yourself laughing at each other’s jokes and enjoying the events of the day. It’s April...
I don’t know a mom who isn’t overworked, underpaid, over scheduled, and overwhelmed. Whether we work in the home or out of it, we don’t clock out at 5. Even if we have a partner, the work never stops. Between...
When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul You are still good… Those are lyrics to a song “You are Good” by Nichole Nordeman. I sang those words over and over again through tears and groaning...
In my short four months as a mama, I have found that I am far from a perfect parent, but no one is perfect. However, I do pride myself on the fact that I have managed to keep my...
This month I'm celebrating 3 years as a stay-at-home mom. I always imagined I'd stay at home with my kids, like my mom did when I was growing up. When the time came, though, it was kind of unexpected....
Regardless of age or fitness level, one thing remains the same. We all aspire to live a healthy life that allows us to embrace our best selves. Whether your goal is increased strength, fat loss or improved flexibility (or...
It's 5:00 AM. My alarm goes off. I don't know about you but some mornings I have a hard time getting up. Okay, most mornings. I sit up, kick my feet off the bed, throw on my robe, grab...
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt You have probably heard this quote before, seen a cute meme about it on social media, or said it yourself to a friend.  As moms, we constantly compare our lives, our...
The new year is officially underway, and Christmas seems long ago for many of us. Some are pleased to have the holidays out of the way for another year, while others look back with nostalgia at the time we...
When I found out we were expecting our son, I was so excited. There was so much to learn as I began this new journey of motherhood. I have a Type A personality, so naturally I “did my homework”...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy