As I sit down to write my first ever blog post, my mind wanders as to how I should introduce myself. Who am I? Who does the world think I am? Who do my husband and children perceive me...
It's 5:00 AM. My alarm goes off. I don't know about you but some mornings I have a hard time getting up. Okay, most mornings. I sit up, kick my feet off the bed, throw on my robe, grab...
As much as I hate to admit it, you’ve been on my mind recently. I replay the moments when I thought we were real. The moments I put all of my faith in what you promised and gave everything...
  New resource connects moms through information, insight, and in-person events   January 30, 2019 Auburn, Ala: Local mom and teacher Kathryn McGraw is taking on an additional role as local business owner. McGraw has a passion for helping moms find a...
Let me start by saying I have never been a stay at home mom since being blessed with my first child in May 2016. I stayed home with her for 9 glorious weeks before returning to my position as...
Babies: Gifts from God. Snuggly bundles of joy. Exhausting.  Toddlers: Energizer Bunnies. Talkative. Smart. Explorers. Temper Tantrum Professionals. Put the two together and you have an interesting mix of love, laughter, tears and major mom guilt!!! What am I referring too?...

Embrace the Chaos

“Embrace the chaos,” they said. “This is only a season,” they said. I have spent weeks, if not months, embracing and reevaluating our “chaos.”  Overcommitments, scheduled weekends, the plague (okay, the flu, forgive my exaggeration), board meetings, OT and kid's...
In my experience, anytime there is a big life event, people around us take it as their hand-lettered, gold-foiled invitation to submit their opinion. This includes anyone and everyone - people who actually know you and those that definitely...
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt You have probably heard this quote before, seen a cute meme about it on social media, or said it yourself to a friend.  As moms, we constantly compare our lives, our...
The new year is officially underway, and Christmas seems long ago for many of us. Some are pleased to have the holidays out of the way for another year, while others look back with nostalgia at the time we...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy