Divorce:  The D word.  The subject of country songs.  My job.   Statistically, 40-50% of marriages end in divorce--that number is even higher for subsequent marriages.  I became a lawyer because I hated math, but those odds mean that if you...
If you’ve been a parent very long, especially if you’ve shared any of your parenting struggles with someone else, you have probably been told, “This, too, shall pass.”  It’s easy to get annoyed with people when they say this....

Magic in the Mess

In our home, we do not live in absolutes. We have really beautiful and life-giving moments and we have brutally hard moments that have been known to take our breath away. We now know and live in a space...
Spring is here and it seems to be the time when everyone potty trains their child. To help get you and your child going in the right direction, here are my top three secrets of potty training. #1 Wear underwear...

To Be Honest…

"Mom?" "Yeah?" "What happens to kids who do something wrong?" "They get in trouble." "Oh. What kind of trouble?" "Depends on what they did. Time out, or maybe not get to do something they want to do." "What if they did something really wrong?" "Like how...
Before I start this post, I want to say that I know the title has already angered a few readers. Some of you perhaps clicked on this post for the sole purpose of arguing in favor of breastfeeding. Before...

Perfect Kale

When I am lazy, feeling the need for greens, am craving garlic and salt… I reach for my perfect kale! We usually have an abundance of kale varieties in our garden, so I reach for whichever variety needs to...
You know to buy car seat and baby crib, but no one talks about other must have items for new moms. When you are pregnant or have a baby, you receive a myriad of advice. Some you use, some...
Auburn and Opelika have some of the most amazing local crafters and artisans. From candles at Oliver Henry to local coffee roasted by Mama Mochas or Ross House to jewelry and pottery, the opportunities to support our neighbors are...
One parenting conundrum that has played out in my life over and over again - all I want is a break and as soon as I get it, all I want are my kids. This is especially true for...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy