I am a mother who struggles with mental illness. I grapple every day with questions much too deep for me to understand, and I fight my feelings with all I have in me to keep myself functional. As an...
We waited for you. Two years as a filled cell on a spreadsheet matrix titled ‘Waitlist’. Even though, after three kids, we have spent enough money on you to fund a sizable house payment. You are still worth it...
It's 2 days before Valentine's Day and you still have to make Valentines for every kid in each of your children's classes, and if you're like me you want to spare the other parents from the wrath that is...

Begin Again

The start of a new year always signals a sense of renewal and hope.  All of a sudden we see ourselves as a project or a problem in need of fixing.  We tend to view our flaws through the...
A recent scientific study found that mothers need one year to recover from pregnancy and child birth. While this definitely belongs to the category labeled "things mothers around the globe always knew since 2,500 BC", it's great that the...
Please don't call me,"Supermom!" I have been called by this title from several well-meaning individuals. It may sound like a compliment; but in reality is sets unrealistic expectations for me, as well as for other moms who might think that...

The Cacooning

When I was pregnant with my daughter,  I used to try to imagine what she would be like as a baby, a toddler, a little girl, a preteen, a teenager, and finally an adult…. am I alone here? Or...
Valentine’s Day is all about sharing love. What better way to spread the love than with an easy art project for the kids! This simple art project uses only four materials to create a piece of art that can be...
Nine and a half years ago, our daughter was born and changed our lives just like all children change their parents' lives.  She looked as if I had nothing to do with the her creation at all.  It was...
Throughout your pregnancy, you get an unnecessary amount of unsolicited parenting advice from what to eat while you’re pregnant, when and how to hold your baby, how to get your baby to sleep, or even how to avoid being...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy